In Austria, Young people will receive the Austria-wide climate ticket on their 18th birthday in 2024. They will then be able to use public transport free of charge for one year. This is what the government has provided for in the new budget. The aim is to encourage even more people to use public transport. From their 18th birthday, young adults have three years to take advantage of the free climate ticket. One hundred twenty million euros per year have been budgeted for this.
The Klimaticket is an annual ticket for almost all means of public transport in Austria. With it, passengers can travel throughout Austria for three euros per day—1,095 euros per year. Travellers up to and including the age of 25 and over 65, as well as people with disabilities, pay 821 euros. Around 245,000 people currently hold a Klimaticket in Austria. Regional climate tickets are also available.
In addition to the Climate Ticket for travel in Austria, there are free Interrail tickets for 18-year-olds at the European level. Thirty-six thousand free tickets are being raffled off until noon today (Wednesday) as part of the “DiscoverEU” program. Citizens of EU countries—Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey—can participate. Those who want to win a free ticket must first prove their knowledge in a short quiz.
Between March 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025, the winners can travel through Europe for up to 30 days. Participation is open to anyone born between January 1 and December 31, 2005. It is possible to accompany participants who have a disability or health issues.
- source: APA/picture:
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